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QUT ePrints is an online collection of research outputs produced by QUT staff and postgraduate students. It's purpose is to aggregate and disseminate the intellectual output the institution.

The collection contains a range of research outputs including journal articles, conference contributions, working papers and higher degree theses and dissertations. Most records include a link to the published version and/or an open access full-text file. This ensures the widest possible dissemination and impact the research outputs and contributes to the growing body of research literature that is now freely available online. Find out more about Open Access for QUT Research Outputs (Including Theses) Policy .

  • Search QUT ePrints
  • Browse QUT ePrints. You can browse the collection by author, year, publication type and series name.

Copyright matters

Readers and reproduction rights.

Except where additional re-use rights are specified via the application of a Creative Commons Licence , readers may print and save electronic copies of whole papers for personal use. As with printed books and journals, attribution of authorship is essential. Any excerpts, quotations or paraphrasing should be fully referenced. The text may not be disseminated or published (in print or electronic form) without permission of the copyright owner.

Metadata rights

QUT ePrints is running on GNU EPrints software. Anyone can access the metadata free of charge. The metadata can be harvested (via https://eprints.qut.edu.au/secure/cgi/oai2 ) for purposes related to the discovery or analysis of the repository's contents. The metadata may be re-used in any medium without prior permission for not-for-profit purposes.

Data policy

Queensland University of Technology has a commitment to retain items indefinitely in QUT ePrints. However, the continuing existence of the repository cannot be guaranteed.

Takedown requests

If you are an author, creator or copyright owner and you believe that a work that is currently available via QUT ePrints should not be in open access, please send details to [email protected] . The QUT Copyright Officer will review all takedown requests. If there is prima facie evidence of copyright violation then the research paper/work in question will immediately be removed from public view.

QUT ePrints is managed in accordance with the Intellectual Property Policy and Australian Copyright Law. All reasonable care is taken to avoid copyright infringements. Formal notifications in relation to copyright infringements on the QUT network should be directed to the university's designated representative in writing.

Copyright and QUT Theses

The QUT Intellectual Property Policy states that higher degree research students own the intellectual property and retain copyright in their thesis. Students grant QUT a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to communicate their submitted thesis via QUT ePrints. For more information, see QUT Copyright Guide: Publishing .

Managing plagiarism

Note that former QUT students, as owners of their copyright, will be responsible for these actions. However, QUT has a strong policy direction against plagiarism and we are committed to assisting you as far as practicable.

Below is a process that describes some steps that former QUT higher degree research students can take in response to identifying that their work has been plagiarised.

  • Notify QUT immediately. In particular, address your concerns directly to the University's Copyright Officer and copy in the relevant Liaison Librarian for their information.
  • This is a top priority - Initiate a takedown request directed to the website, repository, open access journal or similar where the plagiarism was published. There is usually a contact to be found somewhere within these platforms. Alternatively a bit of detective work with Google can find a contact. This is something that the University's Copyright Officer is always happy to assist with.
  • Inform your thesis supervisory team or faculty and seek suggestions.
  • Contact the plagiarising author directly. This has no guarantee of a response. However, it may be the only means to request that all references to the offending article be struck from publications lists, etc.
  • Contact the institution the plagiarising author is affiliated with. This has no guarantee of a response. However, it may be the only means to request that all references to the offending article be struck from publications lists, etc.
  • Consider legal remedies. Again, no guarantee of outcome but depending on the degree of perceived harm it might be a consideration.

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  • TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12079 (Australian University)
  • CRICOS No. 00213J
  • ABN 83 791 724 622
  • Last modified: 24-May-2024
  • Report an incident

Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners

QUT acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands where QUT now stands.

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QUT Theses (via QUT ePrints) QUT Theses (via QUT ePrints)

Freely available collection of theses produced by research higher degree students at QUT and predecessor institutions. Many are freely available for download but others must be requested via a document delivery service due to copyright restrictions.

Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Australia

Browse QUT Theses

  • Undefined (1)
  • Professional Doctorate (231)
  • Higher Doctorate (7)
  • Master of Philosophy (486)
  • Masters by Research (2025)
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  • CRICOS No. 00213J
  • ABN 83 791 724 622
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Open Access for QUT Research Outputs (Including Theses) Policy

Section 1 - purpose, section 2 - application, section 3 - roles and responsibilities, section 4 - full-text access, materials that must be made available via qut eprints, section 5 - copyright, refereed research articles and published conference papers, section 6 - definitions, section 7 - delegations.

(1) The purpose of this Policy is to outline Open Access mechanisms used at QUT to facilitate the widest possible availability, dissemination and reuse of QUT research by other researchers nationally and internationally, and by the wider community.

(2) The Policy supports compliance with QUT’s obligations under contracts, funding rules and open access policies of the Australian Research Council (ARC), National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), and other public and private research funding bodies.

(3) It also supports QUT’s aim to maximise QUT’s engagement with Indigenous communities as outlined in the AIATSIS Code of Ethics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research (the AIATSIS Code) and the NHMRC Guidelines on Ethical conduct in research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and communities.

(4) This Policy applies to QUT staff and higher degree research students. It also applies to all University affiliates (visiting academics, academic title holders, industry fellows, emeritus professors, adjunct and honorary title holders, and conjoint appointments) where a QUT attribution is appropriate in the publication in question.

(5) The Policy applies to research outputs intended for publication, for the purpose of conferring a higher degree or for academic recognition and impact. It does not apply to coursework outputs, teaching materials, social media communications, research outputs intended for commercial purposes or which contain culturally sensitive or confidential material.

(6) This Policy does not apply to material which, if made available online under this Policy, would infringe third party intellectual property rights, statutory obligations, or contractual or other legal obligations.

(7) All refereed research articles and published conference papers at the post-peer review stage. These should be made immediately available, with a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence, ideally at the time of first online publication (as soon as a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for the work is available) but at the latest by the time the version of record is published. The version provided to QUT ePrints by the author must be the Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) version, except where the published version is open access, in which case the published version or a permanent link to the published version must be provided.

  • If the AAM (not just the preprint) has been made available in an established specialist open access preprint repository, such as arXiv, the author should just provide a link to that version.
  • at the time of submitting the manuscript, inform the journal of the rights retained in the AAM (for example, by outlining this in the manuscript or cover letter);
  • or if this is not possible at the time of submission, amend the publishing agreement.
  • “This research was produced in whole or part by QUT researchers and is subject to the QUT Open access for QUT research outputs (including theses) and Intellectual property policies. For the purposes of open access, the author has applied a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) version arising from this submission”.

(8) Digital theses submitted by higher degree research candidates (for the awards of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Professional Doctorate by Research, Higher Doctorates, Masters of Philosophy, and Masters by Research) via the Graduate Research Centre. For some theses by creative work, only the exegesis is made available via QUT ePrints. Exemptions and embargoes must be approved by the Research Degrees Committee. Except where a more liberal licence is requested, theses will be made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives Licence (CC BY-NC-ND).

(9) QUT researchers are encouraged, whenever possible, to make other scholarly works including books, book chapters and non-traditional research outputs openly available via QUT ePrints.

(10) The documents in QUT ePrints are protected by copyright according to the Intellectual Property Policy .

(11) QUT assigns staff the right to publish work performed while at QUT, subject to a perpetual, irrevocable, world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive licence in favour of QUT which allows QUT to make the work available via QUT ePrints.

(12) As part of the enrolment process higher degree research students grant QUT a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to communicate their submitted thesis and peer reviewed journals articles via QUT ePrints.

(13) Refer to Appendix 3 Register of Authorities and Delegations  (C122, C124, C125, C126) (QUT staff access only).

   QUT acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands where QUT now stands.                       TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12079 (Australian University)    |    CRICOS No. 00213J   |   ABN: 83 791 724 622


  1. Library | Theses - QUT

    Databases. For a general search of available theses, start with one of the following Library databases: An open-access database built to assist researchers in locating both historic and contemporary dissertations and theses. Index of the world's largest database of dissertations and theses with links to fulltext on ProQuest.

  2. QUT Thesis | QUT ePrints

    QUT Home Contact. Home Browse About. Login; QUT Thesis. Up a level: Please select from the list below. 2024 (350) 2023 (356) 2022 (400) 2021 (435) 2020 (408) 2019 (403)

  3. QUT ePrints

    Indigenous Australian Research Excellence. King-Smith, Leah & King-Smith, Duncan (2017) Mill Binna. [Artefact] QUT ePrints is an institutional repository of eprints which showcases some of the research output of QUT staff and postgraduate students.

  4. Browse QUT Theses | QUT ePrints

    Offline for Maintenance. QUT ePrints is currently offline for maintenance. Please check back in 10 to 15 minutes. QUT ePrints is an institutional repository of eprints which showcases some of the research output of QUT staff and postgraduate students.

  5. QUT Open Press | Theses and publications

    Theses and publications. QUT's institutional repository, QUT ePrints, functions as a publishing platform for a range of grey literature produced by QUT researchers. The range of publication types includes QUT theses, research reports, monographs (books) and working papers, legal case notes, briefing papers and conference proceedings.

  6. QUT | Library | QUT ePrints

    QUT ePrints is an online collection of research outputs produced by QUT staff and postgraduate students. It's purpose is to aggregate and disseminate the intellectual output the institution. The collection contains a range of research outputs including journal articles, conference contributions, working papers and higher degree theses and ...

  7. QUT Theses (via QUT ePrints)

    Engineering - Computer and software systems. Engineering - Electrical. Engineering - Mechanical. Engineering - Medical. Engineering - Robotics and mechatronics. Information technology - Computer science. Science - All. Format: Theses.

  8. Browse QUT Theses | QUT ePrints

    Browse QUT Theses. Please select from the list below. Undefined (1) PhD (5561) Professional Doctorate (231) Higher Doctorate (7) Master of Philosophy (486) Masters by ...

  9. QUT Thesis (2022) | QUT ePrints

    PhD thesis, Queensland University of Technology. Nolan, Veronica M. (2022) Creating different futures: How using arts and design-based inquiry supports business leaders in developing creative and innovative organisational culture, to thrive in a complex and rapidly changing business context.

  10. Open Access for QUT Research Outputs (Including Theses) Policy

    Section 1 - Purpose. (1) The purpose of this Policy is to outline Open Access mechanisms used at QUT to facilitate the widest possible availability, dissemination and reuse of QUT research by other researchers nationally and internationally, and by the wider community. (2) The Policy supports compliance with QUT’s obligations under contracts ...