1. Figure 1 from DataType-Aware Knowledge Graph Representation Learning in

    datatype aware knowledge graph representation learning in hyperbolic space

  2. Figure 1 from DataType-Aware Knowledge Graph Representation Learning in

    datatype aware knowledge graph representation learning in hyperbolic space

  3. Figure 1 from DataType-Aware Knowledge Graph Representation Learning in

    datatype aware knowledge graph representation learning in hyperbolic space

  4. Figure 1 from DataType-Aware Knowledge Graph Representation Learning in

    datatype aware knowledge graph representation learning in hyperbolic space

  5. Distributed representation, Hyperbolic Space, Gaussian/Graph Embedding

    datatype aware knowledge graph representation learning in hyperbolic space

  6. Applied Sciences

    datatype aware knowledge graph representation learning in hyperbolic space


  1. Building a "Knowledge Asset" Using Neo4j Graph Data Science

  2. KDD 2023

  3. Hyperbolic Graph Convolutional Neural Networks NIPS 2019

  4. Part 5: feature overcorrelation in deep graph neural networks: a new perspective

  5. [220919] Hierarchical Graph Representation Learning with Differentiable Pooling

  6. Bài 14.6.4 mã hóa không gian trên đồ thị Spatial Encoding, Graphormer Machine Learning with Graphs