Class 6 Science Chapter 9 Case Based Questions - Electricity and Circuits
Case 1: electric cell.
You are conducting a science experiment in your classroom to demonstrate the concept of an electric cell. You have an electric cell, and you want to explain its components and how it works.
Q1: What is the function of the positive and negative terminals of an electric cell? Ans: The positive terminal of an electric cell is where electric current leaves the cell, and the negative terminal is where electric current enters the cell. Q2: How does an electric cell produce electricity for devices like torches and toys? Ans: An electric cell produces electricity by converting chemical energy into electrical energy through chemical reactions that take place within the cell. When connected to a device, it supplies electrical energy to make the device work. Q3: What is the purpose of the dark powdery stuff inside an electric cell? (a) To provide light (b) To generate electricity (c) To cool the cell (d) To make the cell heavy Ans: (b) Q4: Which gas is commonly used to fill the inside portion of a bulb? (a) Oxygen (b) Argon (c) Hydrogen (d) Carbon dioxide Ans: (b)
Case 2: Electric Circuit
You are teaching a group of students about electric circuits and how they work. You want to test their understanding of the concept.
Q5: Define an electric circuit and explain its purpose. Ans: An electric circuit is a closed path through which electric current flows. It is used to provide a complete path for the flow of electricity, allowing devices to work. Q6: What happens if the filament in a bulb is broken in an electric circuit? Ans: If the filament in a bulb is broken in an electric circuit, the bulb does not glow because the flow of electricity through the filament is interrupted. Q7: In which direction does electric current flow in an electric circuit? (a) From negative to positive (b) From positive to negative (c) In a random direction (d) It does not flow in a circuit Ans: (b) Q8: When the wires from a bulb are connected to the same terminal of an electric cell, what happens? (a) The bulb glows brightly (b) The bulb glows dimly (c) The bulb does not glow (d) The bulb flashes on and off Ans: (c)
Case 3: Electric Switch
You are demonstrating the use of electric switches in a classroom. You want to assess your students' knowledge of electric switches.
Q9: Explain the purpose of an electric switch in an electrical circuit. Ans: An electric switch is a device used to control the flow of electricity in an electrical circuit. It can either complete the circuit (closed switch) or break the circuit (open switch). Q10: Differentiate between a closed switch and an open switch. Ans: A closed switch allows the flow of electric current in the circuit, while an open switch interrupts the flow of electric current. Q11: Which type of electric switch is commonly used in household lighting? (a) Toggle switch (b) Push-button switch (c) Joystick switch (d) None of the above Ans: (a) Q12: When an electric switch completes the circuit, it is called a: (a) Closed switch (b) Open switch (c) Short circuit (d) Circuit breaker Ans: (a)
Case 4: Electric Conductors and Insulators
You are explaining the concept of electric conductors and insulators to your students. You want to evaluate their understanding of these materials.
Q13: Define electric conductors and provide an example. Ans: Electric conductors are materials that allow electric current to pass through them easily. An example of an electric conductor is copper. Q14: What is the purpose of using insulators in electrical appliances? Ans: Insulators are materials that do not allow electric current to pass through them. They are used in electrical appliances to prevent the flow of electricity. For example, plastic is used to cover plugs and switches. Q15: Which of the following materials is a good conductor of electricity? (a) Glass (b) Wood (c) Copper (d) Plastic Ans: (c) Q16: What happens when our bodies come into contact with electricity? (a) They become insulators (b) They conduct electricity (c) They become magnetic (d) They emit light Ans: (b)
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Class 6 Science Case Study Question
Case study question class 6 science (cbse / ncert board).
Class 6 Science Case Study Question and Answer: CBSE / NCERT Board Class 6 Science Case Study Question prepared by expert Science Teacher. Students can learn Case Based Question / Paragraph Type Question for NCERT Class 6 Science.
There are total 16 chapter Food Where Does It Come From, Components of Food, Fibre to Fabric, Sorting Materials Into Groups, Separation of Substances, Changes Around Us, Getting to Know Plants, Body Movements, The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings, Motion and Measurement of Distances, Light Shadows and Reflection, Electricity and Circuits, Fun with Magnets, Water, Air Around Us, Garbage In Garbage Out.
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CBSE Class 6 Science Case Study Question
Chapter 1 Food Where Does It come From Case Study Question
Chapter 2 Components of Food Case Study Question
Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric Case Study Question
Chapter 4 Sorting Materials Into Groups Case Study Question
Chapter 5 Separation of Substances Case Study Question
Chapter 6 Changes Around Us Case Study Question
Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants Case Study Question
Chapter 8 Body Movements Case Study Question
Chapter 9 The Living Organisms – Characteristics and Habitats Case Study Question
Chapter 10 Motion and Measurement of Distances Case Study Question
Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflection Case Study Question
Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits Case Study Question
Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets Case Study Question
Chapter 14 Water Case Study Question
Chapter 15 Air Around Us Case Study Question
Chapter 16 Garbage In Garbage Out Case Study Question
What is Case Study Question?
Ans. At case Study there will one paragraph and on the basis of that concept some question will made. Students have to solve that question.
How many marks will have at case based question?
Most of time 5 questions will made from each case. There will 1 or 2 marks for each question.
Important links:
- Lakhmir Singh Class 6 Book Solution
- NCERT Solution Class 6 Science
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Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits Extra Questions
CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits Extra Questions and Answers is available here. Students can learn and download the PDF of these questions for free. These extra questions and answers are prepared by our expert teachers as per the latest NCERT textbook and guidelines. Learning these extra questions will help you to score excellent marks in the final exams.
Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Science Extra Questions and Answers
Very short answer questions.
1. What is the direction of flow of current in a dry cell? Answer: The current flows in closed circuit from +ve to -ve terminal of cell.
2. Name the +ve terminal of dry cell. Answer: Carbon rod with a metal cap on it.
3. Name the -ve terminal of a dry cell. Answer: Zinc metal plate.
4. What is dry cell? Answer: It is a device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy.
5. What is solar cell? Answer: A device which converts solar energy into electrical energy.
6. What is open circuit? Answer: An electric circuit in which electrical contact at any point is broken is called open circuit.
7. Write one use of insulators. Answer: Insulators are used in making switchboard, handles of testers, screw drivers.
8. What is the name of thin wire in the electric bulb? Answer: Filament.
9. In which of the following circuits A, B and C given below, the cell will be used up very rapidly?
Answer: I circuit A the cell will get used up rapidly.
10. Figure given below shows a bulb with its different parts marked as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Which of them label the terminals of the bulb?
Answer: Labels 3 and 4 mark the terminals of the bulb.
11. What is inside the glass case of a bulb? Answer: Filament
12. Why does an electric bulb not glow when both the wires are connected to the same terminal of a cell?
Answer: The current flows from one terminal to the other. When both wires are connected to same terminal, current will not flow.
13. Give one difference between a cell and a battery.
Answer: A cell produces electricity by chemical reactions taking place in it whereas battery is made up of two or more cells joined together.
14. Write any two uses of electric cells. Answer: It is used in alarm clocks and wrist watches
Short Answer Type Questions
1. You are provided with a bulb, a cell, a switch and some connecting wires. Draw a diagram to show the connections between them to make the bulb glow.
2. Will the bulb glow in the circuit shown below? Explain.
Answer: No. The bulb will not glow in this circuit because the switch is open and the circuit is incomplete. Due to this there will be no current flow.
3. An electric bulb is connected to a cell through a switch as shown in figure below. When the switch is brought in ‘ON’ position, the bulb does not glow. What could be the possible reason/s for it? Mention any two of them.
Answer: The reasons could be
- the bulb is fused.
- the cell is a used one.
- break in connecting wire.
- loose connections. (Any two)
4. A torch requires 3 cells. Show the arrangement of the cells, with a diagram, inside the torch so that the bulb glows.
5. When the chemicals in the electric cell are used up, the electric cell stops producing electricity. The electric cell is then replaced with a new one. In case of rechargeable batteries (such as the type used in mobile phones, camera and inverters), they are used again and again. How?
Answer: Rechargeable batteries can be recharged by providing them appropriate current.
6. Paheli connected two bulbs to a cell as shown in the figure given below.
She found that filament of bulb B is broken. Will the bulb A glow in this circuit? Give reason.
Answer: No, bulb A will not glow as the circuit is not complete.
7. Why do bulbs have two terminals?
Answer: Bulbs have two terminals to connect the filament with the circuit so that the current can pass through it and get accumulated.
8. Which of the following arrangements A, B, C and D given below should not be set up? Explain, why.
Answer: Arrangement A is not desirable and should not be set up. This will exhaust the cell very quickly.
9. A fused bulb does not glow. Why?
Answer: In a fused bulb the filament is broken and the circuit is incomplete. The current will not flow and the bulb will not glow.
10. Paheli wanted to glow a torch bulb using a cell. She could not get connecting wires, instead, she got two strips of aluminium foil. Will she succeed? Explain, how.
Answer: Yes. Aluminium foils can act as connecting wires as it is a good conductor of electricity.
11. What are the essential components of an electric circuit?
Answer: Connecting wires, bulb, switch and cell are the essential components of an electric circuit.
12. Why should you not touch electric appliances and switches with wet hands?
Answer: Water is a good conductor of electricity and current passes very quickly through wet hands. Therefore, it can give us an electric shock.
13. Write two precautions that you must follow while handling electricity.
- Wear rubber gloves or slippers.
- Never touch switches with wet hands.
14. When a bulb is fused, it does not light up. Explain why?
Answer: When a bulb is fused its filament breaks, which in turn breaks the electric circuit. Thus, current does not pass through it.
15. Why does a cell stop producing electricity after sometime?
Answer: When the chemicals in the electric cell are used up, the electric cell stops producing electricity. Since all the chemicals are used, no chemical reaction takes place which will produce energy.
16. Write any two uses of electricity?
Answer: Two uses of electricity are:
- To operate pumps that left water from wells or from ground level to the roof top tank.
- Electricity makes it possible to light our homes, that makes our tasks easier.
17: What will happen if we join two terminals of electric cell directly through a wire?
Answer: If we join two terminals of electric cell directly through a wire, the chemical in an electric cell get used up very fast and the cell will stop working.
18: What is an electric circuit?
Answer: Arrangement that provides a complete path for electricity to pass (current to flow) is known as electric circuit.
19: Explain how the bulb glows in circuit when it is connected to an electric cell?
Answer: When the terminals of the bulb are connected with that of electric cell by wires, a current pass through the filament of the bulb and it makes the bulb glow.
20: How can an electric bulb get fused?
Answer: An electric bulb may get fused due to break in its filament. A break in the filament of bulb means break in the path of current between the terminals of electric cell.
21: Why rubbers and plastic used to cover electric wires and plug tops?
Answer: Rubbers and plastic are used to cover electric wires and plug tops because they are insulators and do not allow electric current to pass when we touch plugs and switches.
22: Why is distilled water used in the batteries and not the tap water?
Answer: Because distilled water acts as an insulator as it is purest water. Whereas tap water has salts and impurities and acts as a conductor.
23: Why is handle of tools like screw driver, pliers are covered with plastic or rubber?
Answer: Because they are insulators and avoid direct contact with electric current while touching electric wires.
24: Generally what can be components of an electric circuit?
Answer: Components of electric circuit can be following:
a. A cell or a battery
b. Connecting wires made of copper or aluminium
d. Bulb or other electric device
25: What is the function of an electric switch?
Answer: It is a simple device that either breaks the circuit or completes it. For example-in a microwave or toy cars we have switches to turn it ON or OFF.
26: What is an electric cell? How many terminals it has?
Answer: An electric cell is a device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy. It has two metal plates indicating two terminals-negative and positive. It has chemical inside it.
27: Statement is true or false: a. Bulb has one terminal. b. Electrolyte is present in the cell. c. Copper is good conductor of electricity. d. Circuit shows the path of current.
Answer: a. False b. True c. True d. True.
28: Classify the following as conductor or insulator: Eraser, coin, glass, pencil, needle, key, iron nail, plastic scale
Answer: Conductor-coin, needle, key, iron nail Insulator-eraser, glass, pencil, plastic scale
29. Mention two advantages of a dry cell. Answer:
1. It converts chemical energy into electrical energy. 2. It is light and small in size.
30. Draw the circuit diagram for operating a bulb with the help of a dry cell. Answer:
31. Define conductors and insulators. Give one example of each.
Answer: A conductor is that which easily allows the passage of current through it. Example: Aluminium or any metal. An insulator is that which does not allow the passage of current through it. Example: Rubber.
32. Identify conductors and insulators from the following: Eraser, paper, matchstick, copper wire, pencil lead, polythene Answer: Conductors: Copper wire, pencil lead. Insulator. Eraser, paper, matchstick, polythene.
33. Name the scientist who invented electric cell and the scientist who invented electric bulb. Answer: Electric cell: Alessandro Volta. Electric bulb: Thomas Alva Edison.
34. Give one activity to prove that air is an insulator.
Answer: Take an electric circuit, keep the terminals unconnected in the air. The bulb will do not glow, as air is an insulator and does not allow the current to flow through it.
35. In any electric circuit, when the switch is on and the current flows through it why do the wire, switches, bulb or devices become hot?
Answer: This is because electric energy changes into heat energy.
36.The headlights of a car have reflectors behind the bulb. What is the function of reflectors?
Answer: The reflector helps in reflecting the light into a focussed area.
Long Answer Type Questions
1: (a)What is electric circuit? (b) How many types of electric circuit are there? Define them. (c)Draw a diagram to show the closed circuit for switch, bulb and dry cell.
Answer: (a) An electrical circuit is a path or line through which an electrical current flows.
(b)There are two types of electric circuit:
- Open electric circuit
- Closed electric circuit
Open electric circuit: The circuit in which electrical contact at any point is broken is called open electric circuit.
Closed electric circuit: The circuit in which electric current flows from one terminal of a cell or battery to the other is called a closed circuit.
2. How can you explain that the human body is a good conductor of electricity?
Answer: If we stand barefoot on the ground and touch an electric wire, we will get an electric shock. This is because human body is a good conductor of electricity. Without slippers, current can easily pass through.
3. Why should we take care while handling electricity?
Answer: Carelessness in handling electricity and electric devices can cause servers injuries and sometimes even death, so we should take proper care while handling electricity.
4: What is the difference between conductor and an insulator? Explain with examples.
Answer: Materials that allow electric current to pass through them are called conductors. For example iron, copper etc. Metals are good conductors. Materials that do not allow electric current to pass through them are called insulators. For example- rubber, plastic etc
5. If you touch an electric wire carrying current you get a shock, but if on the same wire the birds sit they do not get any shock/current. Explain why?
Answer: When we hold the wire carrying current then the circuit is closed and the current flows from our body and enters earth but the birds sitting on the same wire do not get any current as the circuit is not complete. If the bird touches the earth wire, it will also die due to electric shock.
6. Boojho has a cell and a single piece of connecting wire. Without cutting the wire in two, will he be able to make the bulb glow? Explain with the help of a circuit diagram.
Answer: Yes, using the arrangement given below he can succeed in getting the bulb glow.
7. Figures A and B, show a bulb connected to a cell in two different ways. What will be the direction of the current through the bulb in both the cases. (Q to P or P to Q)
Answer: In Fig. (A) Q to P and in Fig. (B) P to Q.
8. A torch is not functioning, though contact points in the torch are in working condition. What can be the possible reasons for this? Mention any three.
Answer: The possible reasons could be
- the bulb may be fused.
- the cells may have been used up.
- the cells are not placed in the correct order.
- the switch is faulty. ( Any three )
9. Distinguish between the following.
(i) Insulator and Conductor Answer:
(ii) Open circuit and Closed circuit Answer:
(iii) Open switch and Closed switch Answer:
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6th Class Science Electricity and Circuits Question Bank
Done electricity and circuits total questions - 20.
A) Brighter than normal done clear
B) Normal done clear
C) Dimmer than normal done clear
D) Very dim (cannot be seen) done clear
A) PQRS done clear
B) SRQP done clear
C) PRQS done clear
D) SQRP. done clear
question_answer 3) In which of the following circuits will the bulb glow?
A) P done clear
B) Q done clear
C) R done clear
D) S done clear
A) P only done clear
B) R only done clear
C) R and S done clear
D) Q and S done clear
A) Wool done clear
B) Graphite done clear
C) Iron done clear
D) Silver done clear
A) (i) Carbon and Manganese dioxide mixture, (ii) Carbon rod, (iii) Ammonium chloride done clear
B) (i) Carbon rod, (ii) Ammonium chloride, (iii) Zinc container done clear
C) (i) Ammonium chloride, (ii) Zinc container, (iii) Carbon rod done clear
D) (i) Zinc container, (ii) Carbon rod, (iii) Carbon and Manganese dioxide mixture done clear
A) It is used to connect the bulb to the other components in the circuit. done clear
B) It provides the energy for the bulb to glow. done clear
C) It can break a circuit, interrupting the current or diverting it from one conductor to another. done clear
D) It measures the current in a circuit. done clear
A) (i) and (ii) done clear
B) (iii) and (iv) done clear
C) (i) and (iii) done clear
D) (ii) and (iii) done clear
A) You will get electrocuted if you handle live wires. done clear
B) The rubber glove is a good insulator to protect us from electric shocks. done clear
C) The rubber gloves control the electric current flow. done clear
D) Electricity cannot flow through rubber. done clear
A) Replace one cell with a piece of chalk. done clear
B) Replace one cell with a piece of wire. done clear
C) Replace one bulb with a piece of wire. done clear
D) Replace one bulb with another cell. done clear
question_answer 13) Fuse is the most important safety device, used for protecting the circuits due to
A) Short circuiting and overloading done clear
B) Overloading and earthing done clear
C) Earthing only done clear
D) Short circuiting, overloading and earthing, done clear
A) Crayon done clear
B) Comb done clear
C) Key done clear
D) Piece of stone done clear
A) A similar battery is connected between the probes in same order. done clear
B) A similar battery is connected between the probes in reverse order. done clear
C) A similar bulb is connected between the probes. done clear
D) None of these done clear
A) R will glow bright but Q and P will be dim. done clear
B) P, Q and R all will glow equally bright. done clear
C) Q and R will immediately burnout. done clear
D) P will glow bright, but Q and R will be dim. done clear
A) Only bulb X will glow done clear
B) Only bulb Y will glow done clear
C) Both bulbs X and Y will glow done clear
D) Neither bulb X nor bulb Y will glow. done clear
A) The bulb X will glow first done clear
B) The bulb Y will glow first done clear
C) The bulbs Z and X will glow first done clear
D) All the bulbs will glow simultaneously. done clear
A) Only bulb R will glow. done clear
B) Only bulb P will glow. done clear
C) Both bulbs P and R will glow. done clear
D) None of the bulbs will glow. done clear
A) Only (i) and (ii) done clear
B) Only (ii) and (iii) done clear
C) Only (i) and (iii) done clear
D) All (i), (ii) and (iii) done clear
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Important Questions for CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 12 - Electricity and Circuits
- Class 6 Important Question
- Chapter 12: Electricity And Circuits
CBSE Class 6 Science Important Questions Chapter 12 - Electricity and Circuits - Free PDF Download
Class 6 Science explains fascinating concepts to young minds. They learn many new things and find exciting new facts about different topics. The 12 th chapter of the Class 6 NCERT Science book focuses on explaining current, electricity, and circuits. This chapter will introduce the children to the world of electricity and circuits. After finishing answering the exercise questions, you can proceed to solve the Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Important Questions .
All these questions have been developed following the concepts delivered in this chapter. The questions will hold a higher level in terms of concepts. You will find what other questions can be formed and asked in the exams. Download these NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Important Questions and complete your preparation of this chapter. Resolve all your doubts by referring to the solution provided in the same file. Vedantu is a platform that provides free CBSE Solutions (NCERT) and other study materials for students. Maths Students who are looking for the better solutions, they can download Class 6 Maths NCERT Solutions to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.
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Also, check CBSE Class 6 Science Important Questions for other chapters:
Study Important Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 – Electricity and Circuit
Very Short Answer Questions: 1 Mark
Choose the correct answer from the options given.
1. An electric cell has _____________ terminals.
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
Ans: Option - b.
2. An electric cell has a
a) Positive and negative terminal
b) Two positive terminals
c) Two negative terminals
d) None of the above
Ans: Option - a.
3. An electric cell
a) Uses electricity
b) Uses light
c) Produces electricity
Ans: Option - c.
4. An electric cell uses ___________ to produce electricity.
a) Electricity
b) Heat
c) Light
d) Chemicals
Ans: Option - c.
5. An electric cell does not produce electricity when
a) Chemicals inside get completely used up
b) The terminals are not connected properly
c) Both of the above
Short Answer Questions: 3 Marks
1. How does a light bulb produce light?
Ans: A thin wire like structure known as filament is present inside the bulb. When we switch on the bulb, electricity passes through filament causing it to heat up and glow to produce light. In this process the electric energy changes into light energy.
2. What is an electric circuit?
Ans: The closed path in which electric current flows is called an electric circuit. Generally, an electric circuit consists of wire, battery, switch and an appliance which needs electricity to work. The current in the electric circuit flows from the positive terminal to the negative terminal. The switch is used to break the flow of the current when the appliance is not in use.
3. How does a bulb fuse?
Ans: Inside the bulb there is a thin wire like structure called filament. Filament is made of substances having a low melting point. Filament gets heated and emits light when we switch on the bulb. But when there is excess flow of current through the filament it melts down due to excessive heat. This causes fusing of the bulb.
4. Explain the role of a switch in a circuit. What is it made up of?
Ans: An electric switch is a circuit component that can be used to control the flow of electricity through the circuit. It has the ability to both complete and break the circuit. A conducting substance is used to make the switch. The circuit is complete and power flows through it when the switch is in the "ON" position. The circuit is broken and power cannot flow through it while the switch is in the "OFF" position.
5. Label the parts in the following diagram. Indicate the positive and negative terminals.
Long Answer Questions: 5 Marks
1. Differentiate between conductors and insulators.
Ans: The differences between conductors and insulators are as follows:
2. In the following diagram explain whether the bulb will glow in each of the cases.
Ans: a) The bulb will glow as the circuit is complete.
b) The bulb will not glow as the circuit is incomplete.
c) The bulb will not glow as the circuit is incomplete.
d) The bulb will not glow as both wires are connected only to the negative terminal of the cell.
e) The bulb will not glow as both wires from the bulb are connected only to the positive terminal of the cell.
f) The bulb will glow as the circuit is complete.
Electricity and Circuits: NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Summary
You might have come across the term ‘current’ in other chapters of different subjects. A current represents a flow of anything. It can be water, a substance, or wind. Anything that flows can be explained as a current. People flocking in a busy station by forming a line can also be considered as an example of human current. This chapter will explain what a current is and it is defined in the context of electricity. The Important Questions on Electricity and Circuits for Class 6 will be based on these concepts. These questions will also be answered by the top teachers.
Let us check what the chapter will cover and what kind of questions you will find in this file.
Students will learn what current means. They will also learn how the flow of electrons is considered to be an electric current. An electric current has a set of features that you should learn from this chapter. This is when you will develop the foundation of concepts based on electricity. Using this foundation, you will then proceed to learn new advanced concepts in the higher classes related to this chapter.
You will learn how an electric current is formed and flows from the positive terminal to the negative terminal when connected to a battery. For the first time, you will learn what a circuit means. Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Important Questions will be based on those new concepts of this chapter. Make sure you study them well to answer these questions easily. On proceeding further, you will come to know about an electric cell and how it works to generate electricity when connected to a circuit. Certain factors determine the flow of current from one terminal to the other. Find out how an electric cell gets exhausted from use.
In the next section of the chapter, you will study how an electric bulb is connected to a circuit and how it glows using the electric current flowing in it. The various components of the electric circuit along with the bulb will be described and the Important Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 will be based on this topic. Learn how an electric bulb functions when connected to a live circuit. You will also come to know different kinds of wires used in a circuit and what materials are used to make them. Delve deeper into the chapter and learn more about conductors, insulators, keys, switches, resistors, etc.
Why Should You Prefer Studying Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Important Questions?
Vedantu has prepared a set of NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Important Questions to provide the following benefits to the students.
Suggestions Related to Possible Questions from this Chapter
The important questions can be followed to find the possible questions a teacher can ask in an exam. Apart from the exercise questions, this list of questions will work as a suggestive set for students to solve and prepare the chapter well.
Best Ways to Approach and Answer Conceptual Questions
The Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Important Questions will also suggest how to approach and answer conceptual questions. Even if you have properly understood the prime concepts of this chapter, you will need assistance to form answers in the best way possible so that you can fetch good marks in the exams.
Doubt Clarification
The more you study and solve questions based on a chapter, the better your concepts will be cleared. Your understanding level will increase and you will become more efficient in clarifying doubts on your own. Hence, studying these Important Questions on Electricity and Circuits for Class 6 along with answers will help you understand the concepts perfectly.
Important Related Links for CBSE 6 Science
Reviewing all the crucial questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 - Electricity and Circuits provides students with a solid grasp of the chapter's topics. The extra and important questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 - Electricity and Circuits engage in a concept-focused discussion encompassing all chapter themes. This question-and-answer method proves time-saving during exam prep, offering an efficient way to revise the chapter and enhance understanding. Practising these important questions streamlines preparation and boosts confidence for the upcoming exams.
FAQs on Important Questions for CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 12 - Electricity and Circuits
1. What is an Electric Current?
The electrical charges flowing through a conductor from the positive end to the negative end of a battery is called an electric current. As per the answers of Class 6 Science Ch 12 Important Questions, an electric current is produced when there is a difference in potential between the two terminals.
2. Why Should You Choose Vedantu for Downloading NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Important Questions?
Vedantu has always been the leading choice for Class 6 students to find important questions related to the Science chapters. These conceptual questions and answers help students to develop their knowledge regarding electricity and circuits.
3. What is class 6 Science chapter 12 about?
Class 6 Science chapter 12 is about Electricity and Electric circuits. When you read this chapter, you come to know about various things related to electric current or electricity. This is a major necessity for mankind for their day to day activities and if you are curious to know about how electric current is produced or how it flows throughout your house etc then you will find this chapter interesting. Focus on the concepts in order to do well in exams.
4. What do you mean by electric circuit?
Electric current needs a path to flow. This well-structured path designed for the flow of electric current is called the electric circuit. This path usually consists of a source of current that is a cell or battery. The circuit is made of conducting materials like copper wire and there is a switch to start or stop the flow of current and there are other parts too that are attached to the circuit which helps in conduction and measurement of the flowing current.
5. What is a fuse?
A fuse is an electric object that is attached to the electric circuit in order to stop the excess flow of current or to detach the circuit when needed. This works by stopping the current flow in case of urgency that would help to prevent any kind of short circuit. It is a useful electric appliance that must be connected to all households or places that have an electric connection. To know more, solve the important questions by visiting the page Important questions for Class 6 Science and download a free PDF of the same.
6. What is the difference between insulator and conductor?
Insulators and conductors are terms related to electricity. Insulators are those materials that restrict the electric current to flow through them. They are made of non-conducting materials that cause resistance to the flow of current. But conductors are just the opposite. These are materials that allow the electric current to flow through them. They are mostly used in making electric wires, circuits, filaments etc. To know more and practice questions students can download the vedantu app.
7. Why does the bulb give light?
An electric bulb is an illuminating device that lights up when the switch is connected. Now this happens due to the thin filament that is present inside the bulb. This is a delicate conducting material and is connected to thick wires which further connects to the current source. When current flows through the wires and is passed on to the filament, it gets heated up and results in the bulb glowing and produces light.
Chapter wise Important Questions for CBSE Class 6 Science
Cbse study materials.
Here we are providing case study or passage-based questions for class 6 science chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits. Passage-1. An electric bulb has a filament that is connected to the terminals. The two terminals of filament are fixed with two thick wires provides support to it.
The "Case Based Questions: Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Questions" guide is a valuable resource for all aspiring students preparing for the Class 6 exam. It focuses on providing a wide range of practice questions to help students gauge their understanding of the exam topics.
CBSE Class 6 Science Case Study Question and Answer for all Chapter 1 to 16. Class 6 Students can learn Case Type Question from here. 100% FREE Exercise & Practice for CBSE, NCERT and ICSE
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Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Question and Answers. Electric Cell. Question 1. What is an electric cell? Answer: Electric cell is a source of energy. It produces a small amount of electricity from chemicals stored inside it. Question 2. What is meant by a battery? Answer: When two or more cells are joined together, it is called a battery.
CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits Extra Questions and Answers is available here. Students can learn and download the PDF of these questions for free. These extra questions and answers are prepared by our expert teachers as per the latest NCERT textbook and guidelines.
Which of the following statements are correct? (i) Human body is a good conductor of electricity. (ii) The air gap surrounding an electric circuit acts as a conductor. (iii) Silver conducts electricity better than any other metal. (iv) When electricity lights up a bulb, no heat is produced. "Do not handle electric wires with your bare hands.
NCERT Extra Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits with Answers will help to score more marks in your CBSE Board Exams. Question 1. Name a good conductor of electricity which is not a metal. Question 2. Name the material that glows inside the bulb. Question 3. What kind of cells are used in TV remotes? Question 5. provides you Free PDF download of NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits solved by expert teachers as per NCERT (CBSE) Book guidelines. All the chapter wise questions with solutions to help you to revise the complete CBSE syllabus and score more marks in Your board examinations.
Get chapter-wise important questions for CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 12 - Electricity and Circuits with answers on Vedantu. Download the PDF for free and revise these important questions for CBSE exam 2024-25.