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Present web pages to secondary attached displays

François Beaufort

Chrome 66 allows web pages to use a secondary attached display through the Presentation API and to control its contents through the Presentation Receiver API .

1/2. User picks a secondary attached display

Until now, web developers could build experiences where a user would see local content in Chrome that is different from the content they’d see on a remote display while still being able to control that experience locally. Examples include managing a playback queue on youtube.com while videos play on the TV, or seeing a slide reel with speaker notes on a laptop while the fullscreen presentation is shown in a Hangout session.

There are scenarios though where users may simply want to present content onto a second, attached display. For example, imagine a user in a conference room outfitted with a projector to which they are connected via an HDMI cable. Rather than mirroring the presentation onto a remote endpoint, the user really wants to present the slides full-screen on the projector , leaving the laptop screen available for speaker notes and slide control. While the site author could support this in a very rudimentary way (e.g. popping up a new window, which the user has to then manually drag to the secondary display and maximize to fullscreen), it is cumbersome and provides an inconsistent experience between local and remote presentation.

Present a page

Let me walk you through how to use the Presentation API to present a web page on your secondary attached display. The end result is available at https://googlechrome.github.io/samples/presentation-api/ .

First, we’ll create a new PresentationRequest object that will contain the URL we want to present on the secondary attached display.

Showing a presentation display prompt requires a user gesture such as a click on a button. So let’s call presentationRequest.start() on a button click and wait for the promise to resolve once the user has selected a presentation display (.e.g. a secondary attached display in our use case).

The list presented to the user may also include remote endpoints such as Chromecast devices if you’re connected to a network advertising them. Note that mirrored displays are not in the list. See http://crbug.com/840466 .

Presentation Display Picker

When promise resolves, the web page at the PresentationRequest object URL is presented to the chosen display. Et voilà!

We can now go further and monitor "close" and "terminate" events as shown below. Note that it is possible to reconnect to a "closed" presentationConnection with presentationRequest.reconnect(presentationId) where presentationId is the ID of the previous presentationRequest object.

Communicate with the page

Now you're thinking, that’s nice but how do I pass messages between my controller page (the one we’ve just created) and the receiver page (the one we’ve passed to the PresentationRequest object)?

First, let’s retrieve existing connections on the receiver page with navigator.presentation.receiver.connectionList and listen to incoming connections as shown below.

A connection receiving a message fires a "message" event you can listen for. The message can be a string, a Blob, an ArrayBuffer, or an ArrayBufferView. Sending it is as simple as calling connection.send(message) from the controller page or the receiver page.

Play with the sample at https://googlechrome.github.io/samples/presentation-api/ to get a sense of how it works. I’m sure you’ll enjoy this as much as I do.

Samples and demos

Check out the official Chrome sample we've used for this article.

I recommend the interactive Photowall demo as well. This web app allows multiple controllers to collaboratively present a photo slideshow on a presentation display. Code is available at https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/presentation-api-samples .

Photowall demo screenshot

One more thing

Chrome has a "Cast" browser menu users can invoke at any time while visiting a website. If you want to control the default presentation for this menu, then assign navigator.presentation.defaultRequest to a custom presentationRequest object created earlier.

To inspect the receiver page and debug it, go to the internal chrome://inspect page, select “Other”, and click the “inspect” link next to the currently presented URL.

Inspect presentation receiver pages

You may also want to check out the internal chrome://media-router-internals page for diving into the internal discovery/availability processes.

What's next

As of Chrome 66, ChromeOS, Linux, and Windows platforms are supported. Mac support will come later .

  • Chrome Feature Status: https://www.chromestatus.com/features#presentation%20api
  • Implementation Bugs: https://crbug.com/?q=component:Blink>PresentationAPI
  • Presentation API Spec: https://w3c.github.io/presentation-api/
  • Spec Issues: https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License , and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License . For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies . Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Last updated 2018-04-05 UTC.

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Limited availability.

This feature is not Baseline because it does not work in some of the most widely-used browsers.

  • See full compatibility
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Experimental: This is an experimental technology Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers .

A PresentationRequest object is used to initiate or reconnect to a presentation made by a controlling browsing context . The PresentationRequest object MUST be implemented in a controlling browsing context provided by a controlling user agent .

When a PresentationRequest is constructed, the given urls MUST be used as the list of presentation request URLs which are each a possible presentation URL for the PresentationRequest instance.


Creates a PresentationRequest .

Instance properties

Instance methods.

Returns a Promise that resolves with a PresentationConnection after the user agent prompts the user to select a display and grant permission to use that display.

When the reconnect(presentationId) method is called on a PresentationRequest presentationRequest , the user agent MUST run the following steps to reconnect to a presentation .

When the getAvailability() method is called, the user agent MUST run the steps as the link.


Browser compatibility.

BCD tables only load in the browser with JavaScript enabled. Enable JavaScript to view data.

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Presentation API demos

In the spirit of experimentation, the Second Screen Presentation Community Group has been working on a series of proof-of-concept demos for the Presentation API, using custom browser builds and/or existing plug-ins to implement or emulate the Presentation API, when available, or falling back to opening content in a separate browser window otherwise.

Except where otherwise noted, the source code of these demos is available on GitHub under the  Second Screen Presentation Community Group organization .

Video sharing demo

The  video sharing demo  lets one present a video on a second screen.

Note that the demo does not present the video directly on the second screen. It rather presents an HTML video player and passes the URL of the video to play to that player afterwards. In particular, the video player is controlled through messages exchanged between the controlling and the presenting sides.

The demo supports second screens attached through a video link or through some wireless equivalent provided that the provided custom build of Chromium is used.

<video> sharing demo

As opposed to the first demo, the <video> sharing demo presents the video directly to a second screen. Control of the presented video is done from the controlling side using the usual HTMLMediaElement methods such as play(), pause() or fastSeek().

The demo supports second screens attached through a video link or through some wireless equivalent provided that the provided custom build of Chromium is used. The demo also supports Chromecast devices provided that the Google Cast extension is available.

HTML Slidy remote

The HTML Slidy remote demo  takes the URL of a slide show made with HTML Slidy as input and presents that slide show on a second screen, turning the first screen into a slide show remote.

FAMIUM Presentation API demos

The Fraunhofer FOKUS’ Competence Center Future Applications and Media (FAME) offers different implementations of the Presentation API as part of FAMIUM, an end-to-end prototype implementation for early technology evaluation and interoperability testing introduced by FAME.

Implementations support virtual displays that can be opened in any Web browser, Chromecast devices, turning Android and desktop devices into second screens, and features a prototype Web browser that implements the Presentation API and supports additional protocols such as WiDi, Miracast, and Network Service Discovery (mDNS/DNS-SD). The source code of these different implementations is not yet available.

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  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Specification
  • 4.1 Presentation
  • 4.2 PresentationRequest
  • 4.3 PresentationReceiver
  • 4.4 PresentationConnection
  • 4.5 PresentationConnectionList
  • 4.6 PresentationAvailability
  • 5.1 WebIDL Implementation
  • 5.2 Core Service
  • 5.3 Device Manager
  • 5.4 Device Provider
  • 5.5 Browser/System UI Glue
  • 6.1 Basic Functionalities
  • 6.2 Advanced Functionalities


Presentation API enables web content to access external presentation-type displays and use them for presenting web content. With this API, web page can initiate and control an presentation request.

For retrieving available devices information, please refer to Presentation Device Info API .


  • Latest W3C specification
  • Protocol Draft

See Use Cases and Requirements

  • For 1-UA user agent, three preferences "dom.presentation.enabled", "dom.presentation.controller.enabled", and "dom.presentation.receiver.enabled" need to be set to true.
  • For 2-UAs controlling user agent, two preferences "dom.presentation.enabled" and "dom.presentation.controller.enabled" need to be set to true.
  • For 2-UAs receiving user agent, two preferences "dom.presentation.enabled" and "dom.presentation.receiver.enabled" need to be set to true.


  • No UI support for defaultRequest.


  • support URL with http:// protocol scheme to open web page in private browsing mode
  • support URL with app:// protocol scheme to launch an packaged app installed on target B2G device
  • only available in controlling browsing context


  • only available in receiving browsing context
  • many-to-one session is not supported yet. bug 1195605 (NEW)


Presentationconnectionlist, presentationavailability, architecture.

Here is the high-level architecture overview of Presentation API.

presentation on web api

WebIDL Implementation

  • Provide the WebAPI interface
  • Detail at WebAPI/PresentationAPI:WebIDL_Implementation

Core Service

  • Maintain the session state and app-to-app transportation channel
  • Handle the session setup / reconnect / terminate procedure
  • except for DataChannelTransportBuilder and DataChannelTransport
  • Detail at WebAPI/PresentationAPI:CoreService

Device Manager

  • Load registered device provider at start-up automatically
  • Provide device list and firing availability event
  • Live in chrome process

Device Provider

  • Implement device discovery mechanism
  • Handle control channel setup procedure

Browser/System UI Glue

  • Handle device selection and application launch

Development Plan

Basic functionalities.

  • Implement Presentation API ( Bug 1069230 (RESOLVED) and Bug 1148307 (RESOLVED) )
  • Provide MDNS provider on Firefox OS ( Bug 1115480 (RESOLVED) )
  • The initial version of UI should be simple without detailed security design, but keep pref off after check-in
  • pref on after security team confirmation.
  • Provide MDNS provider on Firefox for Android. ( Bug 1158029 (RESOLVED) )
  • Add Presentation Device as a fling service device. ( Bug 1129785 (RESOLVED) )
  • Enable multi-window for HDMI ( Bug 1116089 (RESOLVED) )
  • Implement HDMI device provider ( Bug 1208417 (RESOLVED) )
  • Make Gaia use presentation API ( Bug 1235124 (RESOLVED) )
  • Enable 1-UA mode for Chromecast ( Bug 1252788 (ON GOING) ).
  • Provide device selection/configuration UI on Firefox for Android ( Bug 1232105 (RESOLVED) ).
  • Change permission model for Presentation API ( Bug 1278205 (RESOLVED) ).
  • Windows ( Bug 1239909 (NEW) )
  • Linux ( Bug 1225736 (NEW) )
  • Mac OSX ( Bug 1225726 (RESOLVED) )
  • Provide device selection/configuration UI on Firefox ( Bug 1289974 (ON GOING) ).

Advanced Functionalities

  • Enable 1-UA mode for DIAL app to increase device compatibility
  • Support different URL scheme, e.g. data, file
  • Support multiple session (n:1) to support wider user scenario, e.g. multi-player game. ( Bug 1195605 (NEW) )

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Posted on Aug 16, 2020 • Edited on Dec 17, 2021

A Short Introduction to APIs in 6 slides

You will discover: ➡️ How APIs are working ➡️ How to request an API ➡️ How an API answers ➡️ Why is it interesting to have an API ➡️ The API business

An API (Application Programming Interface) is an interface between multiple applications. It means that it allows two applications to communicate.

An API follows the principle of question and answer, exactly as humans do.

How APIs are working - Non technical

Questions, and answer are the same as humans, but it's written in a technical way.

Request: "Give me all the pictures of Bender's profile" Answer: "Here're all pictures of Bender's profile

How APIs are working - Technical

Because APIs are not humans, you can't ask questions as you do on Google. To communicate with them, you can use fourth basic requests.

How to request an API

Most of the time, an API is answering your request with a language called JSON.

JSON stands for "JavaScript Object Notation". It's a data representation easy to read by humans and easy to manipulate through code.

How an API answers

When you use an API on your project, you will divide the visual part (front-end) from the server (back-end). It means that your application will be at least divided into two projects.

Why is it interesting to have an API

An API is a valuable part of a project. Some companies build their applications and sell access to their API at the same time.

For example, for a company that makes home deliveries, it's a huge time saver to outsource the geolocation part to Google.

The API business

If you want more content like this, you can follow me on Twitter , where I tweet about web development, self-improvement, and my journey as a fullstack developer!

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Man!I wish this article was longer....thanks though....great content.

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Thank you! 😊 In the beginning, it was a Twitter post, but I thought it was interesting to share it here (this is why it's short)!

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A Web API is a developer's dream.

  • It can extend the functionality of the browser
  • It can greatly simplify complex functions
  • It can provide easy syntax to complex code

What is Web API?

API stands for A pplication P rogramming I nterface.

A Web API is an application programming interface for the Web.

A Browser API can extend the functionality of a web browser.

A Server API can extend the functionality of a web server.

Browser APIs

All browsers have a set of built-in Web APIs to support complex operations, and to help accessing data.

For example, the Geolocation API can return the coordinates of where the browser is located.

Get the latitude and longitude of the user's position:


Third Party APIs

Third party APIs are not built into your browser.

To use these APIs, you will have to download the code from the Web.

  • YouTube API - Allows you to display videos on a web site.
  • Twitter API - Allows you to display Tweets on a web site.
  • Facebook API - Allows you to display Facebook info on a web site.

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API (Application Programming Interface)

Published by Wesley Gibson Modified over 6 years ago

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