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JPA in Java can be defined as the Java Persistence API and consists of Java instructions for accessing and managing data between Java objects and related databases. JPA provides ways for us to access object-oriented and complex databases through SQL queries and database connections. There are many clauses in JPA and the ORDER BY clause is one of them. The ORDER BY clause can be used to sort the query results in ascending or descending order based on the fields.

ORDER BY Clause in JPA

The ORDER BY clause in JPA is used to sort query results generated in a JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language) query. This allows us to format the query results in the desired format and simplifies data interpretation and manipulation.

Steps to Implement ORDER BY Clause:

  • Define the JPQL query with the SELECT statement of the JPA application.
  • We can append the ORDER BY clause to the query and it can specify the fields by which results should be sorted.
  • Execute the query and retrieve the sorted results of the program.

1. Sorting in Ascending Order

In the JPA Application, we can sort the query results in ascending order and it can specify the fields in the ORDER BY clause without the additional keywords.

2. Sorting in Descending Order

We can sort the query results in descending order add the DESC keyword after the field in the ORDER BY clause.

3. Sorting by Multiple Fields

We can sort the query results by the multiple fields by the listing in the ORDER BY clause separated by the commas.

4. Using Entity Relationships for Sorting

Entity relationships such as the one-to-many or many-to-one associations and it can be leveraged for the sorting. It can be performed based on the attributes of the related entities.

Sorting the employees by the name of their department or by date of joining where the department information or the joining date is stored in the related entities.

Step-by-Step Implementation of JPA ORDER BY Clause

We can develop the simple JPA application that can demonstrate the ORDER BY clause of the application.

Step 1 : Create the new JPA project using the Intellj Idea named jpa-order-by-clause-demo. After creating the project, the file structure looks like the below image.

Project Structure

Step 2 : Open the open.xml and add the below dependencies into the project.

Step 3 : Open the persistence.xml and put the below code into the project and it can configure the database of the project.

Step 4 : Create the table in MySQL database using the below SQL query:

Step 5 : Create the new Entity Java class named as the Employee .

Go to src > main > java > Employee and put the below code.

Step 6 : Create the new Java main class named as the Main .

Go to src > main > java > Main and put the below code.

Step 7 : Once the project is completed, run the application. It will then show the Employee name and salary by the descending order as output. Refer the below output image for the better understanding of the concept.

By the following the above steps of the article, developers can gain the soild understanding of the how to effectively use the ORDER BY clause in their JPA applications.

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Spring JPA order by query

Table of Contents

1. Overview

2.1 static sorting, 2.2 dynamic sorting based on parameters, 2.3 order by with jpaspecificationexecutor, 3. conclusion, was this post helpful.

This article is about Spring JPA order by the query, we will explain here soring data with ascending and descending order using spring JPA.  While working with relational database Order By is clause using that we can perform sorting the records, the order can be either ascending or descending based on our application requirement we can apply the order, another important is that we can apply to order in a single column or multiple columns in multiple columns both columns might be in the same order or each column has different order, in the below examples we have tried to explain the possibilities of sorting data:

I like to explain that,  If we do not specify any order then database by default will not apply for any order. It might be possible that if we execute the same query without order it may return the result in different seqence both the times, Database may return records in any sequence it will not give any guaranty so we working with paging that time we must specify the order, When we are working with paging and do not specify the order then it might be possible that when we move to another page we may get the same records which already been seen in previous pages.

2. Sorting/Order by query examples

Here are examples of static order that we can write in a query or using method names, Order with method name as per spring boot JPA standards :

Order with the query as like normal SQL standers.

Here we have passed that sort as parameters, no need to write order clause in the query. Just pass Sort in as argument other things will be handled by spring JPA. Here we have tried to explain all the possible combinations related to sorting like: single column, multiple columns sorting with ascending and descending orders. We have also given an example related to order by length or we can any aggregate function as per our needs.

Here is an example related to how to pass an order with the dynamic query. Using JpaSpecificationExecutor we can generate a dynamic query, Here we have explained dynamic query with more details.

SQL Query:  select * from employee where employeeName=? order by joinedDate desc

In the above examples, we learn different-different examples spring JPA Sorting/Order static as well as dynamic options as well. Ordering may also reduce the query performance we should only apply for the order when we need to show the records in particular order.

4. References

  • Spring JPA documentation

how to find assignment order in jpa

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Maintaining List Order in Jpa

Maintaining List Order in Jpa

  • Dec 29, 2023

If you want to maintain the order of a list of objects retrieve from the database using hibernate/jpa, use the @OrderColumn annotation. An additional column will be created in the database (if ddl is set to update) that will keep track of the order/position of an item in a list.

CAVEAT: If you change the position of an item in a list OR delete an item besides the last one, it will cause a multi update across the list to update all other positions. Be aware of this intensive operation for large lists.

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    Step 7: Once the project is completed, run the application.It will then show the Employee name and salary by the descending order as output. Refer the below output image for the better understanding of the concept. By the following the above steps of the article, developers can gain the soild understanding of the how to effectively use the ORDER BY clause in their JPA applications.

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    In the above examples, we learn different-different examples spring JPA Sorting/Order static as well as dynamic options as well. Ordering may also reduce the query performance we should only apply for the order when we need to show the records in particular order. 4. References. Spring JPA documentation

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