Exercises and Materials for Teaching Math

Year 8 Algebra Worksheets Pdf

Check out this free collection of Year 8 Algebra Worksheets Pdf - Each worksheet is a printable test that contains algebra problems. Each sheet contains an answer key attached on the second page. Please print and share.

Expansions factorisations

 Expansions factorisations

Expansions factorisations printable math worksheet

Print here >

Linear equations

 Linear equations

Linear equations printable math worksheet


Logs printable math worksheet

Order of operations

 Order of operations

Order of operations printable math worksheet

Quadratic formular

 Quadratic formular

Quadratic formular printable math worksheet

Remainder theorem

 Remainder theorem

Remainder theorem printable math worksheet

Simultaneous equations

 Simultaneous equations

Simultaneous equations printable math worksheet

Subject of formula

 Subject of formula

Subject of formula printable math worksheet

Financial arithmetic

 Financial arithmetic

Financial arithmetic printable math worksheet

Converting decimals to fractions

 Converting decimals to fractions

Converting decimals to fractions printable math worksheet

Converting fractions to decimals

 Converting fractions to decimals

Converting fractions to decimals printable math worksheet

Converting fractions to percents

 Converting fractions to percents

Converting fractions to percents printable math worksheet

Converting percentage to decimals

 Converting percentage to decimals

Converting percentage to decimals printable math worksheet

Decimal addition

 Decimal addition

Decimal addition printable math worksheet

Decimal division

 Decimal division

Decimal division printable math worksheet

Decimals multiplication

 Decimals multiplication

Decimals multiplication printable math worksheet

Decimals subtraction

 Decimals subtraction

Decimals subtraction printable math worksheet

Pre algebra adition decimals

 Pre algebra adition decimals

Pre algebra adition decimals printable math worksheet

Pre algebra adition decimals 3

 Pre algebra adition decimals 3

Pre algebra adition decimals 3 printable math worksheet

Pre algebra adition decimals2

 Pre algebra adition decimals2

Pre algebra adition decimals2 printable math worksheet

Adding fractions

 Adding fractions

Adding fractions printable math worksheet

 Converting fractions to percents

Equivalent fractions

 Equivalent fractions

Equivalent fractions printable math worksheet

Fractions addition

 Fractions addition

Fractions addition printable math worksheet

Fractions multiplication

 Fractions multiplication

Fractions multiplication printable math worksheet

Fractions simplification

 Fractions simplification

Fractions simplification printable math worksheet

Fractions subtraction

 Fractions subtraction

Fractions subtraction printable math worksheet

Impropper fraction comparisons

 Impropper fraction comparisons

Impropper fraction comparisons printable math worksheet

Circumference area

 Circumference area

Circumference area printable math worksheet

Complementary supplementary angles

 Complementary supplementary angles

Complementary supplementary angles printable math worksheet

L shapes perimeter area

 L shapes perimeter area

L shapes perimeter area printable math worksheet

Perimeter area of squares

 Perimeter area of squares

Perimeter area of squares printable math worksheet

Surface area of complex figures

 Surface area of complex figures

Surface area of complex figures printable math worksheet

Triangle perimeter area

 Triangle perimeter area

Triangle perimeter area printable math worksheet

Volume of cylinder

 Volume of cylinder

Volume of cylinder printable math worksheet

Linear inequalities

 Linear inequalities

Linear inequalities printable math worksheet

Absolute values

 Absolute values

Absolute values printable math worksheet

Add divide multiply intergers

 Add divide multiply intergers

Add divide multiply intergers printable math worksheet

Adding integers

 Adding integers

Adding integers printable math worksheet



Comparisons printable math worksheet

Integer equations

 Integer equations

Integer equations printable math worksheet

Ordering intergers

 Ordering intergers

Ordering intergers printable math worksheet

Cm mm scale

 Cm mm scale

Cm mm scale printable math worksheet

Metric system converting scales

 Metric system converting scales

Metric system converting scales printable math worksheet

Us metric system

 Us metric system

Us metric system printable math worksheet

Decimal number patterns

 Decimal number patterns

Decimal number patterns printable math worksheet

Mixed decimal number patterns

 Mixed decimal number patterns

Mixed decimal number patterns printable math worksheet

Mixed decimal number patterns2

 Mixed decimal number patterns2

Mixed decimal number patterns2 printable math worksheet

Mixed patterns

 Mixed patterns

Mixed patterns printable math worksheet

Number patterns

 Number patterns

Number patterns printable math worksheet

Number patterns higher

 Number patterns higher

Number patterns higher printable math worksheet

Greatest common factor

 Greatest common factor

Greatest common factor printable math worksheet

 Greatest common factor

Least common multiple

 Least common multiple

Least common multiple printable math worksheet

Number system

 Number system

Number system printable math worksheet

Percents of numbers

 Percents of numbers

Percents of numbers printable math worksheet

Ratio percent decimals fractions convertions

 Ratio percent decimals fractions convertions

Ratio percent decimals fractions convertions printable math worksheet


Ratios printable math worksheet


Powers printable math worksheet

Powers exponents

 Powers exponents

Powers exponents printable math worksheet

Scientific notation 2

 Scientific notation 2

Scientific notation 2 printable math worksheet

Scientific notation 3

 Scientific notation 3

Scientific notation 3 printable math worksheet

Scientific notation 1

 Scientific notation 1

Scientific notation 1 printable math worksheet

Square roots

 Square roots

Square roots printable math worksheet

Number problems

 Number problems

Number problems printable math worksheet

Pre algebra adition

 Pre algebra adition

Pre algebra adition printable math worksheet

Pre algebra division decimals

 Pre algebra division decimals

Pre algebra division decimals printable math worksheet

Pre algebra multiplication addition

 Pre algebra multiplication addition

Pre algebra multiplication addition printable math worksheet

Pre algebra subtraction 1

 Pre algebra subtraction 1

Pre algebra subtraction 1 printable math worksheet



Probability printable math worksheet


Sets printable math worksheet

Triangle sides pythagorean theoream 6

 Triangle sides pythagorean theoream 6

Triangle sides pythagorean theoream 6 printable math worksheet

Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 1

 Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 1

Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 1 printable math worksheet

Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 2

 Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 2

Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 2 printable math worksheet

Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 3

 Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 3

Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 3 printable math worksheet

Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 4

 Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 4

Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 4 printable math worksheet

Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 5

 Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 5

Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 5 printable math worksheet

Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 7

 Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 7

Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 7 printable math worksheet

Percents and ratios

 Percents and ratios

Percents and ratios printable math worksheet

Coordinate geometry

 Coordinate geometry

Coordinate geometry printable math worksheet

Coordinates 1

 Coordinates 1

Coordinates 1 printable math worksheet

Coordinates 2

 Coordinates 2

Coordinates 2 printable math worksheet

Coordinates 3

 Coordinates 3

Coordinates 3 printable math worksheet

Data on graph

 Data on graph

Data on graph printable math worksheet

Graphing linear equations

 Graphing linear equations

Graphing linear equations printable math worksheet

Graphs locate in x y

 Graphs locate in x y

Graphs locate in x y printable math worksheet

Ploting graphs

 Ploting graphs

Ploting graphs printable math worksheet

Table of data 1

 Table of data 1

Table of data 1 printable math worksheet

Table of data 2

 Table of data 2

Table of data 2 printable math worksheet

Table of data 3

 Table of data 3

Table of data 3 printable math worksheet

You can get many different worksheets on year 8 algebra online. Math4Children.com  is a good choice for this purpose. All of the worksheets are in PDF format and can be downloaded for free. The best part about these  worksheets is that they include answer keys so you can follow along step-by-step. You can find a range of worksheets for each of the topics covered at this level. Also remember to complement your learning with resources we provide in other sections of this website.

These Algebra Worksheets are designed in a variety of formats. They include topics like include quadratic equations, linear functions, systems of equations, and polynomials. These worksheets can be found online and can be customized according to the needs of your child. They can also be used by parents to help their kids learn and review at home. These worksheets are perfect for children who are learning to do their first algebra course.

You can also find Algebra 2 Worksheets here. These include graphic previews and cover thirteen different topics, including Basic Review, Equations and Inequalities, and Polynomials, and quadratic Equations. You can use these resources to learn about the topics you'll need to learn in school. They also make it easy to complete your homework by yourself, so you don't have to rely on a textbook to learn the basics.

Furthermore, our algebra Worksheets are available online and include the following topics: Multiplication and Division, Quadratic Functions, Systems of Equations, and Pre-Algebra. These worksheets are free to download and provide students with a variety of practice problems. They're flexible and easy to use. They are a great option for helping your child get the most out of their studies. This resource also offers solutions to questions from the SAT.

Try using a calculator online to practice the skills you need to learn. You can also find algebra problems online. Ensure that you get the answers right the first time. It is important to have a good grasp on the concepts you're studying, and year 8 math worksheets are an excellent way to practice these skills. If you're looking for a quality year 8 maths resource, you'll find a wealth of resources on math4children.com.

Most grade 8 algebra worksheets include questions that focus on solving equations and simplifying expressions. The questions also include problems that use fractions and mixed numbers. You'll have to convert a number from one form to another to make it more understandable for your child. By using a suitable algebra tutor, you can help your child develop these skills while ensuring they get the highest grade possible in their class. 

Using year 8 algebra worksheets is a great way to learn the fundamentals of the subject. Besides answering questions, they will also teach you how to simplify expressions. Some of the worksheets will also include examples of problems. A good math worksheet will include the steps to solve these problems. 

These year 8 algebra worksheets also many topics that are designed for students in grades six through eight grades. By the time students complete using these worksheets, they'll know how to use the calculator to find the answers to problems easily. This is a great way to help your child learn about complex mathematical concepts.

We are constantly updating different sections of our website. Always remember to come back for more. Share these resources and tell us what your experience was using them. Post this page to your Google classroom and any school platform you think will need them. 

We offer PDF printables in the highest quality.

  • Preschool/kindergarten
  • Grade 1 worksheets.
  • Grade 2 - 6 Worksheets

Fun Games for Teaching Maths

  • Penalty shooting game
  • En Garde Duel Game
  • Fling the teacher fun game
  • More More Games.

Parents, teachers and educators can now present the knowledge using these vividly presented short videos. Simply let the kids watch and learn.

Quizzes are designed around the topics of addition, subtraction, geometry, shapes, position, fractions, multiplication, division, arithmetic, algebra etc.

Access the materials by looking at topics - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Geometry, Trigonometry, algebra, Decimals, Division and more.

Math Printables by levels

Math practice for kids.

  • Math Worksheets
  • Math Video Slides
  • Math Quizzes
  • Math Downloads


  • Multiplication
  • Algebra & More

Interactive Math

  • Subtraction Games
  • Multiplication Quizzes
  • Geometry Exercises
  • Video Lessons

algebra problem solving questions year 8

Visual maths worksheets, each maths worksheet is differentiated and visual.

Year 8 Maths Worksheets

Maths Worksheets / Year 8 Maths Worksheets

A superb range of maths worksheets for secondary school children in year 8 (aged 12-13). Cazoom Maths is a trusted provider of maths worksheets for secondary school children. Our mathematics resources are perfect for use in the classroom or for additional home learning, and are excellent Year 8 maths practice material. This set of worksheets covers all main topics in the national curriculum and includes over 500 pages of great learning resources. Our maths worksheets are used by over 30,000 teachers, parents and schools around the world and we are a Times Educational Supplement recommended resource for helping key stage 3 and key stage 4 students learn mathematics.

Start your free trial and access over 500 Year 8 Maths worksheets today!

Maths Worksheets for year 8 students

Chloe flipped 159x300 1

Try some free sample year 8 maths worksheets

Year 8 Solving Linear Equations Worksheet

Outstanding Year 8 Maths Worksheets

  • Separate answers are included to make marking easy and quick.
  • Over 500 pages of the highest quality year 8 maths worksheets. Great practice questions students of all abilities.
  • Each worksheet is differentiated, including a progressive level of difficulty as the worksheet continues.
  • Single user licence for parents or teachers. Separate school licences are also available.
  • Single digital pdf download, with worksheets organised into high level chapters of Algebra, Statistics, Number and Geometry, and further by subtopics. See below for the extensive range of sheets included.


List of Topics

See below the list of topics covered. All our maths worksheets can be accessed here .

  • Expanding Brackets
  • Factorising
  • Inequalities
  • Linear Functions
  • Real Life Graphs
  • Rearranging Equations
  • Simplification
  • Solving Equations
  • Substitution
  • Calculator Methods
  • Fractions Decimals Percentages
  • Mental Methods
  • Negative Numbers
  • Percentages
  • Place Value
  • Types of Number
  • Written Methods
  • Area and Perimeter
  • Bearings Scale and Loci
  • Compound Measures
  • Constructions
  • Coordinates
  • Lines and Angles
  • Similarity and Congruence
  • Transformations
  • Volume and Surface Area
  • Cumulative Frequency and Box Plots
  • Histograms and Frequency Polygons
  • Mean Median Mode
  • Pie Charts and Bar Charts
  • Probability
  • Scatter Graphs
  • Stem-and-Leaf Diagrams
  • Surveys and Sampling
  • Two-Way Tables and Pictograms


Fill out the form below to get 20 FREE maths worksheets!

Grade 8 Algebra Word Problems

Related Pages More Math Word Problems Algebra Word Problems

These lessons cover some examples and solutions for algebra word problems that you will commonly encounter in grade 8.

How to write algebra word problems into systems of linear equations and solve systems of linear equations using elimination and substitution methods?

Printable Solve Systems of Equations with Substitution Solve Systems of Equations with Elimination Solve Systems of Equation Word Problems System of Equations using the Graphical Method System of Equations Word Problems using the Graphical Method System of Equations with No Solution

Online Solve System of Equations by Substitution Solve System of Equations by Addition Solve System of Equations by Subtraction Solve System of Equations by Addition or Subtraction Solve by Multiplication and then Addition or Subtraction

Grade 8 Algebra Word Problems How to solve algebra word problems using systems of linear equations?

Example: Devon is going to make 3 shelves for her father. He has a piece of lumber 12 feet long. She wants the top shelf to be half a foot shorter than the middle shelf, and the bottom shelf to be half a foot shorter than twice the length of the top shelf. How long will each shelf be if she uses the entire 12 feet of wood?

Grade 8 Algebra Word Problems - Line Segments

Example: If JK = 7x + 9, JL = 114 and KL = 9x + 9. Find KL.

Grade 8 number word problems - common core How to write word problems into systems of linear equations and solve systems of linear equations using elimination and substitution methods?

Example 1: The sum of two numbers is 361 and the difference between the two numbers is 173. What are the two numbers?

Example 2: There are 356 Grade 8 students at Euclid’s Middle School. Thirty-four more than four times the number of girls is equal to half the number of boys. How many boys are in Grade 8 at Euclid’s Middle School? How many girls?

Example 3: A family member has some five-dollar bills and one-dollar bills in their wallet. Altogether she has 18 bills and a total of $62. How many of each bill does she have?

Example 1: A friend bought 2 boxes of pencils and 8 notebooks for school and it cost him $11. He went back to the store the same day to buy school supplies for his younger brother. He spent $11.25 on 3 boxes of pencils and 5 notebooks. How much would notebooks cost?

  • A farm raises cows and chickens. The farmer has a total of 42 animals. One day he counts the legs of all of his animals and realizes he has a total of 114. How many cows does the farmer have? How many chickens?
  • The length of a rectangle is 4 times the width. The perimeter of the rectangle is 45 inches. What is the area of the rectangle?
  • The sum of the measures of angles x and y is 127". If the measure of angle x is 34° more than half the measure of angle y, what is the measure of each angle?

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