Apr 7, 2021 · Experimental Equipment List: The following experimental components are required for this experiment: • IDL-800 Digital Lab. Circuits Evaluator (“breadboard” unit with test equipment and power supply built in) • SN74LS08 AND gate • SN 74LS04 NOT gate • SN 74LS32 OR gate • SN74LS00 NAND gate • SN 74LS02 NOR gate • SN 74LS86 XOR ... ... Idl800 Digitall Lab - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This lab is designed to help you gain familiarity with The IDL-800 digital trainer. You will work through a pair of simple designs that are fully described below. ... In this experiment, we will use -800, a breadboard system the IDL especially designed for TTL digital logic. In the lab ad in subsequent writeups, we commonly refer to this as the Bit Bucket. It provides regulated 5 V power, switches for manual input, and an adjustable clock. It also provides LED’s and 7-segment displays for monitoring outputs. ... IDL-800 Digital Circuit Evaluator Our laboratory is equipped with IDL-800 digital circuit evaluators. The IDL-800 has 19 dif-ferent basic components. Initially, you will be concerned with the following 6 components: 1 power switch with indicator ... become familiar with the IDL-800. Study circuit diagrams on the last page of this exercise. 5.1.Verifying the Validity of the Basic Boolean Functions: Plug the IDL-800 prototyping system into AC power outlet and turn on bench power and the IDL-800 power switch. 5.1.1. Select a NOT chip and plug it into the IDL-800 circuit board ... You will learn how to use the IDL-800 “Bit Bucket” breadboarding system to build circuits using common logic gates. The objectives of this experiment include: Review basic principles of digital logic from ELEC 2200 Learn how to use the Bit Bucket breadboarding system Develop professional lab skills and written communication skills. ... Logic Laboratory Familiarization 1. The instructor will explain the basic features of the IDL-800 Digital Lab unit. A summary description is found on Page 6, and the IDL-800 is shown pictorially on Page 7. A list of the parts in the laboratory kit is given on Page 8. 2. The instructor will explain the function and use of the EISTAR logic probe. ... 1. IDL-800 Digital Lab – The IDL accommodates the assembly, implementation, and test of small digital logic circuits. It consists of a solder-less breadboard, power supplies, input switches, output LEDs, a function generator, and a digital volt meter (DVM). 2. Parts – assorted small and medium scale digital integrated circuits (ICs), resistors, ... For logic circuits used in our labs, +5 volts = logic 1, = 0 volts = logic 0. 4. Experimental Equipment List: The following experimental components are required: • IDL-800 Digital Lab “Breadboard” unit with test equipment and power supply built in • IDL-800 User Manual, if necessary (in lab cabinet) ... ">


  1. KL1113 Introduction to IDL-800

    idl 800 digital lab experiments

  2. IDL-800A Digital Lab

    idl 800 digital lab experiments

  3. IDL-800 Digital Trainer Lab

    idl 800 digital lab experiments

  4. IDL-800A

    idl 800 digital lab experiments

  5. IDL-800 Digital Lab

    idl 800 digital lab experiments

  6. Breadboard adapter for IDL-800 Digital Lab by CapaDIY

    idl 800 digital lab experiments


  1. Lab 1 - studylib.net

    For this lab, the kit consists of: IDL-800 Digital Lab Trainer Wire stripper Small needle nose pliers Small wire cutters You will need to return this equipment to the storage cabinet before leaving the lab. 2) Choose a lab station at which to work. All lab stations should be identical. Choose whichever one you want.

  2. experiment-1-digital.pdf - The University of Texas at...

    Apr 7, 2021 · Experimental Equipment List: The following experimental components are required for this experiment: • IDL-800 Digital Lab. Circuits Evaluator (“breadboard” unit with test equipment and power supply built in) • SN74LS08 AND gate • SN 74LS04 NOT gate • SN 74LS32 OR gate • SN74LS00 NAND gate • SN 74LS02 NOR gate • SN 74LS86 XOR ...

  3. Idl800 Digitall Lab | PDF - Scribd

    Idl800 Digitall Lab - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This lab is designed to help you gain familiarity with The IDL-800 digital trainer. You will work through a pair of simple designs that are fully described below.

  4. ELEC 2210 - EXPERIMENT 1 Basic Digital Logic Circuits

    In this experiment, we will use -800, a breadboard system the IDL especially designed for TTL digital logic. In the lab ad in subsequent writeups, we commonly refer to this as the Bit Bucket. It provides regulated 5 V power, switches for manual input, and an adjustable clock. It also provides LED’s and 7-segment displays for monitoring outputs.

  5. CSCI 355 Digital Logic and Computer Organization - VIU

    IDL-800 Digital Circuit Evaluator Our laboratory is equipped with IDL-800 digital circuit evaluators. The IDL-800 has 19 dif-ferent basic components. Initially, you will be concerned with the following 6 components: 1 power switch with indicator

  6. EE 1202 Experiment #3 – Introduction to Digital Circuits

    become familiar with the IDL-800. Study circuit diagrams on the last page of this exercise. 5.1.Verifying the Validity of the Basic Boolean Functions: Plug the IDL-800 prototyping system into AC power outlet and turn on bench power and the IDL-800 power switch. 5.1.1. Select a NOT chip and plug it into the IDL-800 circuit board

  7. ELEC 2210 - EXPERIMENT 1 Basic Digital Logic Circuits Objectives

    You will learn how to use the IDL-800 “Bit Bucket” breadboarding system to build circuits using common logic gates. The objectives of this experiment include: Review basic principles of digital logic from ELEC 2200 Learn how to use the Bit Bucket breadboarding system Develop professional lab skills and written communication skills.


    Logic Laboratory Familiarization 1. The instructor will explain the basic features of the IDL-800 Digital Lab unit. A summary description is found on Page 6, and the IDL-800 is shown pictorially on Page 7. A list of the parts in the laboratory kit is given on Page 8. 2. The instructor will explain the function and use of the EISTAR logic probe.

  9. Laboratory 1 Policies, Procedures, Resources 100 Points

    1. IDL-800 Digital Lab – The IDL accommodates the assembly, implementation, and test of small digital logic circuits. It consists of a solder-less breadboard, power supplies, input switches, output LEDs, a function generator, and a digital volt meter (DVM). 2. Parts – assorted small and medium scale digital integrated circuits (ICs), resistors,

  10. EE 2310 Laboratory #1: Basic Boolean Logic; Using Lab Equipment

    For logic circuits used in our labs, +5 volts = logic 1, = 0 volts = logic 0. 4. Experimental Equipment List: The following experimental components are required: • IDL-800 Digital Lab “Breadboard” unit with test equipment and power supply built in • IDL-800 User Manual, if necessary (in lab cabinet)