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Medical Terminology > Medical Terminology - Chapter 11 > Flashcards

Medical Terminology - Chapter 11 Flashcards

small, hollow air sac


diaphragm, partition

larynx, voice box

breast, chest

pharynx, throat

tonsil, almond

a little swelling

passageway for air and food, contributes to phonation

produces vocal sounds

open passageway for air to and from lungs

passageway for air to and from lungs

bring air into contact with blood

partition that divides nose into 2 chambers

sinuses beside the nose

paranasal sinuses

narrow slit at opening between true vocal cords

covers entrance of larynx, acts as lid to prevent aspiration of food into the trachea

______ sweep foreign matter out of trachea

instrument for examining

acid-fast bacilli

acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

adult respiratory distress syndrome

cystic fibrosis

chronic obstructive lung disease

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

chest x-ray

otorhinolaryngology (ear, nose, throat)


human immunodeficiency virus

infant respiratory distress syndrome


postnasal drip


respiratory distress syndrome

severe acute respiratory syndrome

tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy

total lung capacity

upper respiratory infection

which bronchus and lung are larger

depression/point where bronchus and blood vessels enter lung

lungs are enclosed in the ______

how many lobes does each lung have

right: 3, left: 2

substance formed in lung that regulates the amount of surface tension of the fluid lining alveoli

amount of air in a single inspiration and expiration, 500ml of air in normal quiet breathing

tidal volume (TV)

volume of air that can be exhaled after maximal inspiration; (sum of: tidal air + complemental air + supplemental air = )

vital capacity (VC)

maximal volume of air in lungs after a maximal inspiration

total lung capacity (TLC)

rate, rhythm and depth of respiration are controlled by nerve impulses from the _________ and ________ via the spinal cord

medulla oblongata and pons

pertaining to small air sac in the lungs

lung condition caused by inhalation of coal dust and silica

anthracosis (black lung)

temporary cessation of breathing during sleep

disease of bronchi characterized by wheezing, dyspnea and a feeling of constriction in the chest. inflammation of the airways

singular of alveoli

the _____ is made up of “C” - shaped rings

singular of bronchi

layers of the pleura

visceral (inner), parietal (outer)

partial collapse of segment of alveolus, decreasing surface area available for O2 and CO2 exchange


chronic dilation of bronchus or bronchi


medical instrument used to visually examine bronchi


visual exam of the larynx, trachea and bronchi


acute respiratory disease characterized by obstruction of the larynx, a barking cough, dyspnea, hoarseness and stridor

abnormal condition of skin and mucous membrane caused by O2 deficiency in the blood

inherited disease, affects the entire body. causes progressive disability and often early death

cystic fibrosis (CF)

condition of difficulty in speaking (hoarseness)

phon (phone)

chronic pulmonary disease in which alveoli become distended and alveolar walls become damaged or destroyed

pus in a body cavity, esp pleural cavity

visual exam of the larynx


series of tests to determine diffusion of O2 and CO2 across the cell membrane in the lungs

pulmonary function test

performed on sputum to detect the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

acid-fast bacilli (AFB)

nosebleed, usually results from traumatic or spontaneous rupture of the blood vessels in mucous membranes of nose

good or normal breathing

good, normal

spitting up blood

condition of deficient amounts of oxygen in the inspired air

process of breathing in

inflammation of the larynx

instrument used to visually examine the larynx


surgical excision of a lobe of any organ or gland such as the lung

process of smelling

inability to breathe unless in an upright or straight position

acute, infectious disease caused by bacteria. characterized by peculiar crowing or whooping sound

inflammation of the pleura caused by injury, infection or a tumor

abnormal condition of the lung caused by inhalation of dust particles such as coal dust, stone dust, asbestos etc. fiberotic tissue limits alveoli’s ability to stretch


inflammation of lung caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or chemical irritants

inflammation of the lung


tumor with a stem, can occur where there are mucous membranes

pus in the chest cavity

abnormal sound heard on auscultation of the chest, a crackling, rattling, bubbling sound

condition that can occur in a premature infant in which lungs are not matured to point of manufacturing lecithin

respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)

surgical repair of the nose


discharge from the nose

rale or rattle sound in throat or bronchial tubes, caused by partial obstruction

chronic granulomatous condition that can involve almost any organ system of the body (usually lungs), causes dyspnea on exertion


inflammation of a sinus

medical instrument used to measure lung volume during inspiration and expiration

surgical puncture of chest wall for removal of fluid


new opening into trachea


infectious disease caused by tubercle bacillus, myobacterium tuberculosis

tuberculosis (TB)

Medical Terminology (24 decks)

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  • Medical Terminology - Chapter 18
  • Medical Terminology - Chapter 19
  • Medical Terminology - Chapter 4
  • Medical Terminology - Chapter 20
  • Medical Terminology - Suffixes
  • Medical Terminology - Chapter 5
  • Medical Terminology - Chapter 6
  • Medical Terminology - Roots/Combining Forms
  • Medical Terminology - Plural/Singular
  • Medical Terminology - Prefixes
  • Medical Terminology - Chapter 7
  • Medical Terminology - Chapter 8
  • Medical Terminology - Chapter 9
  • Medical Terminology - Chapter 10
  • Medical Terminology - Chapter 11
  • Final Exam - Word Parts
  • Medical Terminology - Chapter 12
  • Medical Terminology - Chapter 13
  • Medical Terminology - Chapter 14
  • Medical Terminology - Chapter 15 Ear
  • Medical Terminology - Chapter 15&16 Roots
  • Medical Terminology - Chapter 16 Eye
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